Control panel - All that you need to know!

One of the simplest and quickest ways to get you up and broadcasting live is by using the free radio dashboard which is included with all accounts. Once you log in you will have access to a variety of different options to help you with streaming live audio to your listeners. You can also schedule different 'shows', chat live with listeners and much more.

When you log in you will see a page which looks like this: From here you can see a lot of information about your server as well as the status of your broadcast.

In the section directly under the heading “Radio Dashboard” you can see all available information about your server. This is useful when attempting to set up any broadcasting software you might use. Starting on the server tab you can obtain the server IP, port, mount, bit rate and your user name & password. For most types of broadcasting software this is all you'll need to get up and running so make sure you remember where to find it!

Each tab in has some useful information.
Under the website tab you will find options for displaying your website address as well as code for publishing it on different sites.

The help tab contains links to useful tutorials, FAQs, the downloads and the page to open or view support tickets if you're having trouble.

Under the downloads tab you will find links to download a variety of great broadcasting software including Edcast, Mixxx, NiceCast and SAM Broadcaster. The required LAME encoder/Lame.DLL download link is here as well.

Finally under the Embeds tab you find the code which you can use to embed either the web player or the status block on your own website.

Under this main section you'll see a countdown clock which indicates when the next global shutdown will occur. Caster.FM schedules periodic shut down's and resets of the entire server for maintenance. The Free servers are restarted at the 1st and 15th of each month at midnight. This will terminate any existing broadcast and you will have to re-start your server.

The next area is a series of informational sections which you can expand or collapse based on what you want to see. The five sections include:

Broadcast Schedule For Today – When expanded you will be able to see your schedule events. You can also delete scheduled shows from here.

Song Requests – If your listeners have requested a song you can see it listed here. This is a great way to discover what your listeners want to hear!

Shout Your Listeners – This section allows you to write a quick message which will be displayed to your users. This is a fun way to make your broadcast a little more interactive.

Live Chat – This is a simple chat function where listeners can interact in real time with you.

Listeners – The last area displays information about each of your listener including the flag of the country they are listening from, their IP and the user agent they are using. It also gives you the option to ban a user from listening if necessary.

Finally on the right side of the page is a quick summary of information about your station.
This area contains information about how many people have voted for your station, the status of your station, the option to shutdown the server, you also can kick the current broadcaster by clicking drop source . You also can see here the status of your podcast recorder, the current bitrate, when the broadcast started and the number of current listeners. This is a great way to keep an eye on your station without having to dig through multiple pages!

SETTINGS - Next you'll want to click on the SETTINGS tab at the top of the page. This will bring you to an area where you can fill out the details about your broadcast station. To fill out the information simply click on the plus (+) button next to each section. Don't forget to hit Save Changes when you're done! There are six quick options on this page:

Radio Details – This section contains things like the name of your radio station, the description and much more. Some of this information is displayed to listeners so keep that in mind when filling it out.

Private Broadcast – Here you can set your station to public or private and require a password to listen.

Radio Contact Info – Fill out details about your stations facebook page, twitter account and much more so people can contact you about your station.

Website Modules – Turn on or off things like chat, current listeners, schedules and the song request option.

Colors & Graphics – Set the background color, logo and side image of your station to give it a great custom look.

Save Changes – Click this one to save all the changes.

The next pages are:

SCHEDULE - Under the schedule tab you can manage all your scheduled programming. Whether you need to delete an upcoming event or add something new, it is all done quickly and easily from this page.

PODCASTS - When you click on the podcasts tab at the top of the page you will see all the uploaded podcasts you have available. You can then change the title as needed so they are ready to play.

CHAT BANS - On the chat bans tab you can view all the different IP addresses which you have banned from listening to your radio station. From here you can also remove a ban if you would like.

ALBUMS - Under the albums tab you can adjust photos (PICASA \ FLICKR) and videos (YOUTUBE) for people to view through your station quickly and easily.

Social Integration - Click on the Social Interaction tab to change the settings for how your station will interact with social media like Facebook, Twitter and Blogger.

ADDONS - On the addons tab you can choose to add additional features to your radio station such as the option to have additional podcasts, the dance floor and much more.

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