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Mp3 Streaming DLL Files
DLL Files
DLL Files
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Default Lame Encoder DLL file. Copy this to the broadcast software main directory.
Dimensione file: 123 kB lame_enc.dll (64bit) for mixxx
MP3 Lame Encoder DLL for Mixxx Dj Software, windows 64bit only (you don't need to rename this one)
Dimensione file: 123 kB lame_enc.dll (64bit)
Default Lame Encoder DLL file for windows 64bit only Copy this to the broadcast software main directory.
Dimensione file: 123 kB lame_enc.dll for mixxx
MP3 Lame Encoder DLL for Mixxx Dj Software (you don't need to rename this one)
Dimensione file: 123 kB
Default Lame Encoder DLL file. Copy this to the broadcast software main directory.
Dimensione file: 123 kB lame_enc.dll (64bit) for mixxx
MP3 Lame Encoder DLL for Mixxx Dj Software, windows 64bit only (you don't need to rename this one)
Dimensione file: 123 kB lame_enc.dll (64bit)
Default Lame Encoder DLL file for windows 64bit only Copy this to the broadcast software main directory.
Dimensione file: 123 kB lame_enc.dll for mixxx
MP3 Lame Encoder DLL for Mixxx Dj Software (you don't need to rename this one)
Dimensione file: 123 kB